Saturday, January 10, 2009

Baby, it's cold INSIDE!

The old furnace in the farm house has had it! I guess this winter cold finally got the best of it. Bubba & Wubba are snuggled up with four layers on and a big blanket while they watch a favorite dvd. We are anxiously awaiting a call from the repair man!


  1. Brr! Bummer - I hope they get it repaired very quickly! The little cowboys look like they are keeping cozy - how about you, Farm Chick? Throw another log on the fire for sure so the pipes don't freeze and leave you without a hot bath to soak in!!

  2. Oh man! Hope you got someone out there today! Bubba and Wubba look like little eskimos! Bless their little hearts!

  3. The furnace is being replaced as we speak! :)
