Tuesday, February 3, 2009

About the Unconventional Family

I'm The Unconventional Doctor's Wife (DW for short) and this is my husband The Unconventional Doctor (Doc). I'm the oldest of the four sisters. Doc and I have been married for almost 10 years. Doc is a physician at a rural medical clinic and I am blessed to stay at home with our 4 crazy kiddos! They keep us busy and we try to do our best to balance family time and Doc's work schedule. Jesus Christ is absolutely the center of our lives. It is our goal to raise our children to know him and develop a relationship with Him.

Doc is an avid KU Jayhawk fan! He catches every game he can and takes joy in hearing our kids belt out "ROOOCKKKK CHAAALLKKKK, JAAAYYYHAAAWWKK, KKKKKKK UUUUUUU." He has taught them well! He also enjoys fishing. He got a boat last year and enjoyed going out as often as he finds time. The kids love to go out on Daddy's boat, as well. Doc's other passion (besides me) is exercising. He swims and lifts weights as often as possible. He also is an avid reader and much deeper thinker than I!

As I said before, I stay at home with our kids. I view myself as a "home manager" and see my mission as taking care of the home front so that Doc can give as much as he can to his career! We both view his job as a ministry, of sorts. I home school our oldest daughter, Lou Lou. I also serve as a taxi driver, short order cook and maid. Or at least sometimes it feels that way! I try to keep in mind that this period in life will be over sooner than I think and I try my best to enjoy the crazy chaos. My very favorite thing to do is get a little time alone with my hubby. Going on vacation with him is bliss. I try to like working out, but I don't. I enjoy shopping when I can get to the "big city" and my current favorite hobby is blogging. I LOVE blogging. I view it as a scrapbook of sorts for my family and potential blackmailing material for their teenage years! I'm a no nonsense kind of gal. Just ask my sisters. They don't ask my opinion, on things, unless they REALLY want to know!

Lou Lou is our oldest child. She is funny, smart, beautiful (as you can see) and more than any Mom and Dad could ever hope to have in a daughter. She brings light and sunshine to our lives. It is one of my greatest joys in life, to see my Lou with my Dad. Pop's father, my grandfather had a tremendous impact on my life and I'm thrilled that my dad gets to play an important role in Lou's life as well. It is her joy in life to get to go to the farm and do what she wants to do because "Pop said she could." She loves to play with the cats and dogs that are there. I enjoy it, too, because she gets her pet "fix" without me having to clean up after them at our house!

Bub is second in line. He is a crazy boy. He started preschool this year and frankly, it is a good thing for both of us. He needs the social interaction and outlet and I need the peace! He is very creative and figures out a "solution" for every problem. (Unfortunately his "problems" are usually something like, "I'm hungry and the chocolate is on top of the fridge. How can I get up there?") He is also a Nintendo pro. He is better than his Dad, already, at the age of 4. The farm is paradise for Bub. He's a "don't fence me in" type of guy. He views boundaries as things to be crossed. It is wonderful to have a place where he can run and climb and explore to his heart's content (and I like it because he gets worn out and sleeps really well when we get home!)

The Southern Gentleman (SG for short) is our 3rd. He is a tenderhearted, love monkey! He loves snuggles and makes sure to get a "shmoochie" and a "squeeze" several times a day! He keeps up with the other 2 as much as his short little legs will let him. He is starting to learn that orneriness can be fun (much to my chagrin). His claim to fame is his beautiful long eyelashes and bright blue eyes. I tell people that he got a mutant gene combination that added the length of my eye lashes with Doc's to make for really long and thick lashes. I also call him my little elf. He uses phrases in his speech that kids don't normally use (like, "oh my goodness") in his high little elfy voice and it just cracks me up!

Ladybug is our little surprise joy. She is different from the others...never sucked her thumb, was born with WHITE hair, crawled earlier, etc. She has cheeks that you just want to squeeze and is the most social little thing ever. Here is a glimpse of the joy she brings to our lives...

So, that's us in a nutshell. We love to go to Four Sisters and are blessed that our family is not only family but also friends!




  2. That video is so cute! Her giggle is contagious...did I spell that right? Anyway, I also loved the part about blogging as possible blackmail. Ha!

  3. You know what's really fun? My junior in high school daughter has teachers who read my blog! (Insert evil laugh here!) Oh the power of it all!!!

    Your family is beautiful!

  4. Such good stuff...sweetness, sassiness, silliness, softness and more all rolled into one family...good stuff. I love you all and miss you so much when we're not together.
