Friday, March 27, 2009

At the Zoo

When the four sisters were growing up we noticed that our folks were always coming up with songs that we thought were made up. In our defense, Pop was always making up songs too. A talent I find myself perfecting as I age.

Anyway, as he would hum and sing a few bars from a song we would all go, "Dad, did you make that up?" "No, it's a real song" he would say. Sure enough, some time later we would hear the song on the radio!

Tonight I was standing in the kitchen singing, "the zoo keeper is very fond of rum. At the zoo" EJ gave me a crazy look and said , "What are you singing?" "I don't know" was my response "Mom and Dad used to sing it." Then EJ mentioned perhaps I might not want to sing about "rum" in front of our kids. My bad.

Later that night, I called Pop & Grammy and told them about the incident in the kitchen. They immediately starting singing...

Grammy: "The monkeys stand for honesty"
Pop: "Giraffes are insincere"
Grammy: "And the elephants are kindly but They're dumb"
Pop: "Orangutans are skeptical Of changes in their cages"
Pop & Grammy: "And the zookeeper is very fond of rum"

I love my parents. :)

In case you are's a real song.

At the Zoo
by Paul Simon

Someone told me
Its all happening at the zoo.
I do believe it,
I do believe its true.

Its a light and tumble journey
From the east side to the park;
Just a fine and fancy ramble
To the zoo.

But you can take the crosstown bus
If its raining or its cold,
And the animals will love it
If you do.
Somethin' tells me
Its all happening at the zoo.

The monkeys stand for honesty,
Giraffes are insincere,
And the elephants are kindly but They're dumb.
Orangutans are skeptical Of changes in their cages,
And the zookeeper is very fond of rum.

Zebras are reactionaries,
Antelopes are missionaries,
Pigeons plot in secrecy,
And hamsters turn on frequently.
What a gas!
you gotta come and see
At the zoo.


  1. Oh my! Memories!! How fun is that? EJ, is there something wrong with singing about rum? How about making up stories about egg-bound chickens? Hmmmmmmmm??????

  2. That is sooo funny! Dad is the lyrical master! LOL FC, you've come a long way in your lyrical talents, too! I remember a certain little sister that would unintentionally annoy me by singing the wrong words to songs when we were kids!

  3. I'm pretty sure I still sing the wrong words! :)
