Monday, March 16, 2009

A Bit of Flower Gardening

So we tore out all the elm trees that were about 2-4' tall, in this bed. It had not been maintained for 5+ years. There were probably 100+ trees in this bed. So we tore it out and then tilled it all up. Then Farm Chick took a box of wildflower seeds meant to be spread over 750 square feet and put it all here in about a 150-250 square foot area. So we'll have LOTS of flowers! Ok Farm Chick says that I have to take part in the blame of putting the seeds in there also...ok so I got carried away.


  1. YEAH!!!!! I'm so excited for you! And for our little flower gatherers! They will have so much fun this summer picking Mommy flowers!

  2. So cool! I can't wait to see the flowers!
