Sunday, March 1, 2009


Ok so the ladies are starting to produce some eggs. I, being a nerd and numbers person, created a spreadsheet to keep track of how many eggs were produced, we ate, we gave to the docs, and we sold; on a weekly basis. This week our lovely ladies layed 32 eggs!!!! How great is that! Oh and by the way, we ate some of them and they ARE GREAT! Still a bit smaller than the store bought "large" ones, however we have a few that are bigger than them. It's interested to see the numbers growing. I would liken it to trying to get my diesel tractor started after it's run out of gas. It's getting larger numbers, then smaller numbers, then growing again. Like today we had 6 eggs just today. Here's a picture of some of the ones we got last week.


  1. Isn't it still - well - amazing to go out and collect eggs? We've been doing so since August, and I still get a little thrill!

    Nowadays, our 14 girls lay somewhere between 6 and 13 eggs a day. Wow. That's a lot of eggs! But we love it!

  2. when your egg production is up, we'd like to buy from you. our old egg supplier isn't working with eric these days. let me know when you're rollin' in the eggs!

  3. Awesome!!! Our chickies rock!

  4. As you know, we sell all of our eggs to this one lady, and we are so grateful she buys them all. However, the chickens BARELY cover their food bill. So yesterday I had ten dozen eggs boxed up on the garage floor for our lady, and MY DOG TORE INTO THEM when I wasn't looking. I was EXTREMELY stressed out for a few minutes, but after the clean up, we were only down about half a dozen eggs. Later on in the evening Brandon was still finding whole eggs out in the yard. We take the egg business very seriously, so I am not totally sure of Baxter's fate had the incident been any worse.
