Monday, April 20, 2009

Grammy's Busted!

Setting the Scene: Bubba is playing in the yard with his sheriff star on his shirt, his gun and holster on and a walky talky to his ear.

Bubba: "We have Grammy...we don't want her to get away."


  1. I think all of us feel that way about her! LOL Bubba is quite a lawman!

  2. Those Grammy's can be quite the outlaws:)

  3. Any further questions regarding this very important law enforcement initiative should be directed to authorities in South Carolina. The little Cowboy is a part of an elite group of law enforcement agents charged with loving Grammy. He is working on direct orders to secure Grammy and keep her detained until his Pop can get to Kansas and take custody.

  4. LOL! Little boys are so funny! Has he been watching old Dukes of Hazzard re-runs??

  5. Pop, you are awesome! I thought I was reading the intro of a Law and Order Episode. :) Get here soon. Love you.

  6. Like many hunted fugitives (I'm stretching and guessing here), I am hiding out in a location where no one would ever think to look for me. Even if the authorities in South Carolina track me down...I am NOT afraid! Those cowboys in Kansas do not scare me - I think they can be bribed with some cookies and milk (well, one of them can - the other may require some juice with his cookies)...anyway, bring it on lawmen. I refuse to run.

  7. I think that you would need to make about a dozen cookies to bribe all us men in this household, but I do believe that we could be bribed, but again, chocolate chip and more than a dozen is what we require!
