Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Spoon Full of Sugar!

I have recently re-discovered Mary Poppins. I found an old copy from EJ's childhood in the basement. I got it out to watch with the cowboys. They loved it! Do you remember all the fun make believe in that movie? Jumping into paintings, riding carousel horses in a race, her carpet bag, laughing that makes you float, chimney sweeps dancing on roofs? What a silly and fun movie!

I also found all the history very interesting. Do you remember that the mom is a "soldier in a petty coat?" She is part of the suffragette movement. That's what the beginning song is all about..."our daughters, daughters will adore us as they sing in grateful chorus...well done, sister suffragette!" I never caught what that was about as a kiddo. I got tickled when she says to her maid, "put these things (her banners and sashes) away! You know how the cause infuriates Mr. Banks!" Hee Hee.

When the four sisters were young we would play Mary Poppins. DW would be Mary and she would say, "Spit Spot!" as we all cleaned up the house. Silly girls! :) DW did you clean too or was that game just a ruse to get us to clean. Hmmm...I don't remember for sure.


  1. What do you think, FC? LOL I was 3 years older and smarter than you. HEE HEE

  2. Got me again! :) Is that why when we played Annie you always got to be Miss Hanigan? I'm catching on now!

  3. Watch that CW, she'll be combing the resale shops to find suitable attire for her "bossy" alter egos...:) You girls are hilarious and I love Mary Pippins!

  4. I love this movie! So does my daughter. She even has the soundtrack on her ipod!
