Sunday, April 26, 2009

Things are really coming along!

So we've done some more gardening, we planted 24 tomato plants...2 different kinds of cherry tomatoes, 3 "celebrity", 1 "Big Beef" and the rest are Better Boy. From what I've heard Better Boy are great tomatoes, and I figured 2 cherry tomato plants would be more than enough for our salads and such. I also heard that celebrity are good too, so we got a couple to try them also. We also planted to the left there 16 pepper plants. A green/red combo. We also inherited all these cages, we had enough for all the tomatoes and peppers.
We are about ready to plant the green beans..."Blue Lake Pole Beans" that is. I read in the veggie bible that a great way of letting them grow and ease of picking is to put up Tee Pees as trellises. I just want to say that one Indian cannot put up a tee pee on his own.

We have planted 4 rows of Garlic in our herb garden and we have around 35 coming up already in just over a week. As a bonus this should be more than enough for cooking and keeping away any vampires, or more likely warewolves...anyways bring on the Italian food! You can also see the strawberry area that we have going on. We also have lots of weeds on the left there.
We have our first cauliflower popping out! How cool is that.
Some numbers for you number's what we have so far coming up:
95 potato hills out of 240
35 garlic plants out of 64
122 onions left out of 132 started
70+ green onions out of 120 bulbs
8-9 heads of lettuce
11 cauliflower left out of 14
16 broccoli left out of 16
We just planted 5 rows at 15' long of corn
We just planted 3 rows at 30' long of carrots
On another note please notice my lovely wife's "CUTE" signs. She has made them for everything that we're putting in the cool.
All in all it's pretty darn cool that the garden is going as well as it is. It's amazing to me to think about how God can take a small little seed and a plant grows from it with something that we can eat. And not only that but we're looking to get LOTS of food.

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