Monday, May 4, 2009

goddess weekend

See these beautiful women? They are each a precious part of my life. Each one brings something special to the group. Each one has a personal relationship with Christ. Because of that, we are not only friends we are sisters, princesses of the King if you will. (it may have been more appropriate to call ourselves the princesses but alas the name goddesses came from an inside joke and it has stuck...for 10+ years)
Each year we spend a weekend together. Reconnecting, laughing, eating, drinking, crying, shopping, praying and then laughing some more.
First in the pic (from left to right) is me Farm Chick. You know me by now. :)
Big Red, Amos, MK Lady & behind us is MI (Miss Independent)
It was a fantastic weekend and it went too fast!
When I got home from our fantastic weekend I found these sweet little notes. I also found no laundry in the hamper. EJ did it all! Major brownie points.


  1. That sounds like so much fun!! And MAJOR brownie points for hubby!! That makes a weekend away an extra special treat!

  2. UMMMMM.....Jealous!!!! I want a Goddess weekend.

    Sounds like you had a blast. I have wished my whole life for such a group of friends.

  3. You are so blessed to have a group of friends like that! And your boys are precious in their notes and their gifts.

  4. So nice that you got to get away for a while...sounds like a wonderful time!!!

    and the notes were sweet too!


  5. I'm glad you girls get away for special time...there is nothing like it. The best part, to me, is that I know you don't waste time whining and simply enjoy each other's company and let the Lord direct your time. Good stuff. I love all you small g goddesses. :-)
