Monday, May 11, 2009

I've got mad skills

Mad cookin' skills that is.

Here is my homemade pizza the heavenly homemaker taught me to make. She has the most wonderful and frugal whole food recipes out there.
I have been preparing for a crazy month ahead (garden responsibilities and basement renovation) by cooking and freezing meals. So far I have 8 meals put away. Now that we live in the country it's not so easy to run through Taco Bell when we need a quick meal. We have to plan ahead now. Also, we are working really hard at "giving each dollar a name" (as Dave Ramsey says) at the beginning of the month. All you Financial Peace people out there understand! :)
Got any favorite recipes that work well when frozen? Do share.


  1. I clicked on the link, and that pizza recipe looks great. I will have to do that with my kids soon. As you may know, I do a monthly meal swap with my "other" group of friends, so I have a lot of recipes that freeze well. I will get some out for you.

  2. I don't have any off hand...but will check. I would love it if you would post some of your favorites! Maybe as you eat them?

    The pizza looks delicious! mmmmmm.


  3. Yes, please post what you have that freezes well! I am wanting to do the same thing, as our schedule is nuts in the summer. The pizza looks yummy!!

  4. Our favorite thing to do in the summer is marinate different cuts of meat and grill them all in one afternoon. We then wrap them individually in foil while they are still hot and put them in the freezer. We then buy lots of salad stuff (which you will have free from your garden!). I prepare all the salad ingredients and put them in individual bowls. This way, for supper we just heat up the meat we want (which tastes as fresh and juicy as the day you grill) and each person makes their salad with the items they like. Super easy and very little clean up.

  5. Oh my yes - bazillions of them! Lasagna comes to mind first - I make 4 of them, put them in our family sized foil pans, freeze them, and then pull them out as needed. Or carnitas - fabulous! Chili is great frozen and then reheated - in fact, sometimes better! Same with spaghetti sauce. Total breeze to make ahead, portion out, then freeze and pull out as needed.

    We do the homemade pizza thing, too. Probably everyone's fave meal - we make a bunch of different toppings, everyone makes their own little pizza - and voila! fabulous, fun, yummy meal!

    Gold star!

  6. Okay girlfriend - here you go:

    I buy the Herdez Salsa Verde - - honestly, the best green sauce there is.

    Warning: Carnitas can be very habit forming!
