Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Farm Life

The farmers who harvest our hay came out today. You should have seen the look on the boys' faces when they asked if the boys wanted a ride. Both Bubba and Wubba got to ride along with Daddy. What an amazing day!
EJ and I worked in the garden while the cowboys kept busy swimming in their little pool.

EJ thinned the carrots and did all kinds of weeding and mulching.
We decided to harvest some new potatoes. It's kind of like opening a present when you dig up the plant and find all those little beauties. We still have a TON of potatoes left to harvest.


  1. Oh my gosh, I'm totally wanting some of those potatoes! In the crock pot with green beans on top is amazing! Yummy! There is really nothing better than fresh baby potatoes. What a wealth! Congratulations!

  2. Awesome!!!! Is that the first part of our harvest?

  3. That looks so fun! I love productive days like that!
