Monday, June 1, 2009

The "GIG"

Okay…This "GIG" is hard. By definition, a "gig" is a single professional engagement, usually of short duration...Our remodel gig is not so professional but in the big picture it should be of short duration. Thanks, God!

It’s hard for Pop to be away and working hard in Kansas and It’s hard for me to be in South Carolina while all the action and all the family are in Kansas.

It’s hard for Farm Chick and EJ to keep being crowded out of their storage space in the basement of the farm house.

It’s hard. As Farm Chick has been known to say, “It’s stinkin’ hard!”

My sister came from Colorado for a visit last week and God’s timing was perfect – she eased my loneliness and we had a great time! While she was here we found a blue cow that was oh so cute and I passed on him because he was blue – he just didn’t fit into my imagined color scheme at the farm. Well…my sis said she could fix that and as you can see, she did! The cow is now named “Red Bull” and we are hanging out in South Carolina wanting to be at the farm already! We listen to each other and keep each other company. He’s sort of a phlegmatic personality but we get along just fine.

So, anyway, I was talking to God about how hard it is for everyone and asking Him to help with the transition. We know we are following His leading and we know He has a good and perfect plan if we are willing to listen. I was praying as I finally drifted off to sleep last night and thinking about it all as I got around this morning and I sensed God saying “It’s a ‘GIG’”. Huh?

Spelled out, this “GIG” stands for “Growing In Grace”. It’s in God’s will for His children and it’s for our good. It’s just hard. We signed on for it knowing it would be hard so here we are. We are living through it, loving each other beyond our human capacity, and growing in grace. God’s grace is sufficient and it will all be okay.

So I leave you with Second Corinthians 12:9:

But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Thanks, God!


  1. Grammy, Laura says she hopes the cow can Steer you in the right direction with his company!! LOl

  2. Great post, Mom! This GIG is certainly a transition but it is one I am amazingly grateful for! Miss you. Come home. :)

  3. Oh, my goodness, DW! I LLLOOOVVVEEE Laura's sense of humor! She's my kind of gal! I'll stay close to Red Bull and see where we go from here. Ha!

    Farm Chick...Pop and I couldn't do this GIG without you for sure...we are amazingly grateful as well.

    I'm ready to come home!

  4. Red Bull gives you wings you know...sometimes GIGs make me really nervous but I always like looking back at the show and getting to boast about how I got to know Him a little better...

  5. Amen, Birdie...amen! Brings to mind Hebrews 12:11, "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it."
