Sunday, June 28, 2009

Moving Pop

Clothes...check. Tools...check. Kitchen sink...check. Just kidding, we aren't moving a kitchen sink but we can't even see out the back window of the car! We are headed to Kansas with grateful hearts...grateful to God for the privilege of moving to Four Sisters Farm to be near all our family and many friends...grateful to have had the opportunity to live in Charleston for a while so Pop (and Grammy too) could work in the best ever environment with some of the most awesome people we know...grateful for what has been accomplished and excited about what will come. God is good.

There remain some loose ends that need to be tied up - we need to sell the Charleston house and move Grammy back home soon. We are trusting God with this and resting in the fact that He has a plan that is for our good. It will be worth waiting for.


  1. Ok I LOVE that pic! Hurry up and get here!!

  2. Come on home!!!! There are no more leaks and you have walls!

  3. Cute post! Can't wait to see you guys. :)

  4. Keeping your move and sale of the house in Charleston in prayer! Trusting God for awesome timing and excellent outcomes! :)

