Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My Other Daddy

At the breakfast table this morning.

B: "Daddy are you going with us to swim in our friend's pool?"
EJ: "No, I have to go to work."
B: "Are you working in the basement?"
EJ: "No, not today. I'm working at my office."
B: "Are you working in the basement at your office?"
EJ: "No, my basement at the office doesn't need work."

EJ leaves to take a shower. B thinks for a while then says, "Mommy, my other Daddy doesn't want to work in his basement."


I think he meant that his Daddy doesn't want to work in the other basement (the one at the office).

B, to my knowledge you have only ever had one Daddy.


  1. That's so cute!!! My sister used to say... "you're the meanest mom I ever had" as if she had has numerous mothers and was then stuck with this one that was terrible to her. So funny... still tease her to this day.

  2. That's so cute!! Kids say the funniest things!

  3. Soo funny! Sometimes I wish my kids had more than one mom so that one of us could actually get something done!
