Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A Moonlight Hay Rack Ride

Twas the night before the Four Sisters Farm Family Fall Party and all through the house all the creatures were stirring...

At midnight Grammy was finishing flower arrangements.
Pretty Princess was cutting the cheese.I was trying my hand at pumpkin cream cheese muffins.This is what they are supposed to look like...Not this...Gift bags, check! Fall decor, check!

The Men, what were they doing? Building a hay rack ride. This is Romeo, Pop and EJ at midnight. Pop was determined to get it done!
Around 12:30am Pop, Romeo and EJ invited Grammy, Pretty Princess and I on a hay rack ride. We couldn't say no. We dropped our flowers and food and grabbed our coats. It was beautiful! That moonlight hay rack ride put everything in perspective. The pre-party work would get done and the result would be fabulous memories to last a lifetime!


  1. It was a most memorable midnight hay rack ride and fall party. I fell in love with Pop a little deeper over the hay wagon and the midnight ride. The pics are wonderful and the memories even better. The food was delicious, the company delightful, the children such fun. Farm Chick...you sure know how to rally the family for a party! Thanks for being our family party planner. I'm already looking forward to next year!

  2. BLESSED, BLESSED, BLESSED.....an evening snuggled in with family makes ALL feel right in the world. :-) Looks like it was LOTS of fun getting ready, too!
