Monday, November 16, 2009

Dee Hacks

It's hunting season in these parts.

I am not a hunter myself but we have plenty of them in the family.

I was on a walk with the boys this morning. We walked down to the pond and back. On our way there I noticed some deer tracks. I didn't say anything about them, just took a mental note.

All the sudden Wubba stops walking and bends down close to one of the hoof prints and says, "Dee Hacks! Dee Hacks! DEE HACKS!"

"That's right, little man, those are deer tracks!"

Apparently someone in the family is already grooming my 2 1/2 year old to be a great hunter one day.

1 comment:

  1. That's adorable! I have a friend that did her son's nursery in camouflage. LOL
