Farm Chick geared up for her first run down the hill...
and promptly adopted the "agony of defeat" position...
rolling...and rolling...and rolling... She laughed all the way down and only pretended to be defeated by the hill for our photo shoot.
The oldest and wisest Super Hero is a natural at this big brother business. He is genuinely concerned and interested in the new baby "gril" at their house. His mom and dad did a great job of preparing him before she was born and he takes his job as big brother seriously and wants to do everything just right. He was talking to his mom at bed time today and asked if she fed him and snuggled him and took care of him like she does the new baby. She assured him that she did the same things for him and that she understands having a new baby sister requires some changes in the way things go at their house. Just in case there was any doubt about his motives, he matter-of-factly let his mom know that he is "trying to have good manners."The two year old Super Hero is VERY verbal already and a tad bit opinionated about things. He takes everything in and then expresses what he thinks. When he and the three year old Super Hero met Super Girl at the hospital, they were so excited to hold her...they climbed up on the couch and their mommy put a pillow on the lap of the oldest sibling before gently placing baby sister on it. Not to be left out of anything good, he grabbed another pillow and proclaimed "I hold him! I hold him!" (He's used to all the "hims" in their family.) But so far, the most hilarious thing he's said was on the day Super Girl came home from the hospital. He was very interested in everything about it - he wanted to be sure in his sweet little way that his baby sister was taken care of. When she got hungry, Rock Star sat down to nurse her and as he watched, his expression turned from concern that the baby was hungry to near horror and shaking his head he said, "We don't eat that!!"
This last picture is just in case you have forgotten that Super Girl comes from a family of Super Heroes...she is practicing flying here...up, up, and away! (Hang on, Pop!)
We can't wait to discover her other super powers. If sweetness is a super power, she already has that one mastered!
When I got to the hospital it was 10:30am. Rock Star and PhoJo had been there since 6am. Grammy and Aunt DW were in the waiting room (they have one within her birthing room). Grammy told me that they were about to break her water. I told the girls I was a mess! I was already fighting back the tears and the baby wasn't even here yet. I told them that I had been thinking about God's promise to be faithful to a thousand generations to those who love Him and keep His commandments. Grammy shared that that verse was very important during a time when she fasted and prayed for our family. I can understand why!
Deuteronomy 7:9
Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commands.
PhoJo was a solid source of support, always at Rock Star's side. He is so gentle and loving with his wife. They were so good at labor that you'd think they have done this a couple of times already. :)
It appeared that her contractions were coming one on top of the other pretty quickly. By 11ish or so they were cranking up the meds in her epidural to try to catch up to the pain. By 11:30am it was pretty obvious that this baby was going to make her entrance very soon! I stepped out of the room and called Pop on my cell phone. He was leaving work and headed directly to the hospital.
I stepped back in the room in time to join in as Grammy prayed over Rock Star. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that her nurse had gently laid her hand on Rock Star's leg and joined us in prayer.
PhoJo, Grammy, DW and I were all near Rock Star as she was laboring hard. At one point I realized that her legs were shaking. I caught both DW and Grammy's eyes. We know what this means. Transition. Rock Star was amazing through this stage of labor. So calm and controlled. At one point I heard DW gently touch her head and say, "Don't be afraid, you can do this."
Around 11:37am or so Pop came through the door. I motioned for him to come on in and see her before they broke down the bed and prepared for the birth. He quickly made his way in to encourage her. Then he headed to the waiting room within the birthing suite.
DW grabbed the video camera. I grabbed the camera. The medical team all got into place. PhoJo was on one side of Rock Star and Grammy on the other. The Dr. asked Rock Star if she could push through the next contraction. Rock Star said yes with a look of sheer determination on her face. A few more contractions and Super Girl was out at 11:45am. Rock Star was AMAZING. She looked like a runner sprinting through the finish line of a marathon. I'll tell you what, she is aptly nicknamed. That girl is a ROCK STAR!
Super Girl is perfection, pure perfection.
After Pretty Princess finished her final she rushed to the hospital to meet her newest little niece. (Stinkin' finals!) I waited until Pretty Princess made it before I left. I wanted to take a photo of the Four Sisters in that moment. These women are so precious. What an amazingly proud moment as we all gathered around Rock Star and baby Super Girl. We are sisters and best friends. We are so privileged to walk through this life together.
On my way home, I was listening to the song "In Christ Alone". One of the lines in that song goes like this..."From life's first cry to final breath, Jesus commands my destiny." Father, that is my prayer for our little Super Girl! Thank you for her life, Lord. You are too good to us. We don't deserve your grace and mercy but you give them anyway. I ask that you would continue to bless our family. We love you Lord! In Jesus Name, Amen
Look at her darling black pumps. I mean honestly, who thinks up this stuff?
I am starting to realize that perhaps I have a bit of an unhealthy obsession with this little lady. The other day I spilled some coffee over the side and felt genuinely upset that her shoes were dirty.
Don't be too quick to judge. You all have your issues too.