Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Super Hero Secret

A few weeks ago an adoption professional came by the house to visit with us.  We asked the boys to clean up their room before her visit.  They were so excited about the whole thing that they did the task lickety-split. 

Right before she arrived, Bubba looked at me seriously and said, "Mom, don't tell her that we are super heroes." 

"Okay, sweetie, I'll keep that to myself." I answered.

(But they sure are cute super heroes aren't they?!?!)


  1. Precious superheroes! And I love he thought her discovery of their coolness might deter her from recommending you guys :).

  2. I'm putting my VHS tapes onto the computer and in the process have been traveling down memory lane. These pictures remind me of my sweet boy (who is now a senior in college) and his penchant to dress like Dark Wing Duck. So sweet! Enjoy your Sweet Babies! They are precious! I enjoy your blog very much. Thank you! :D

  3. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!
