Friday, March 25, 2011

moments of joy

Let me tell you something. 

It tickles me that when you open my blog the picture you currently see at the top is this one.
I cannot see this picture without cracking up.

I chose to keep this picture at the top while I have dealt with the miscarriage on purpose.

The reality is, that silly picture describes my life most of the time.  I find great satisfaction in the life God has given me.  I laugh a lot.  I have more joy than I deserve.

We have been doing the work of mourning but he has allowed a lot of fun breaks right smack dab in the middle of it all.

I found moments of joy and honestly just a big 'ol smile on my face when...

Grammy, the cowboys and I had to chase half of the chickens back into the coop.  We looked ridiculous.  By the end of it we were flapping our arms and clucking and laughing our heads off!

Pop mentioned that a ride on the go-cart is proven to lift a persons spirits.  He and Grammy watched the cowboys for a few minutes while I took EJ for a spin.  Pop was right, by the end of our ride, I had a grin from ear to ear.

I have had numerous moments of joy with dear friends and family who have stopped by just to be with us.  As we sit and visit (or take a walk to the pond) we cannot help but have a good time.  Scripture does say that laughter is good medicine!

The sweet boys.  Just their presence is enough.  How can you not smile when you are experiencing life with three boys!  The way they grin and laugh.  The way they run and play.  The way they squeeze me and say, "I love you Mom."  (Well, Q can't say that yet but he does say, "Up Mama" when he wants me to hold him.  I'd say that's pretty close!)

When EJ hands me a perfect up of coffee just the way I like it first thing in the morning and says, "I love you.  Have a good day."  I cannot help but feel joy.  I may not smile much.  I'm not a morning person.  But I do feel loved!

 "Bring joy to your servant, Lord,
for I put my trust in you" 
Psalm 86:4

1 comment:

  1. Here's to joy! True joy that comes from God. God placed an unending supply of joy in you, Farm Chick...I've seen it since you were a baby, whose contagious giggles came all the way from your toes!

    I still wish we had a video of us chasing the chickens back to the coop...I'd play it at least once a week!
