Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Renovation Progress - Part ... Aww, Who's Counting Anyway?

Well...we have lived through tearing off the old paneling, adjusting things that needed adjusting/fixing, drywall, priming, and painting the ceiling. We will have miles to go but at least we won't be heating all 40 acres of Four Sisters Farm through the winter and while Pop's shoulder is healing.  We are celebrating the milestones and this certainly marks one!  Celebrate with us and stay tuned for updates over these cold winter days that will be perfect for painting, flooring, and trimming.  Here are a few pics...
 Dining Room - New Patio Door
 Kitchen Window to Backyard
Kitchen with "Pass Through" to Living Room

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What great progressive. You guys have been working so hard. You must feel such satisfaction when you walk through those rooms.

    Way to go!
