Sunday, January 22, 2012

Our Baby has a Baby

God has blessed Pop and I so abundantly with our "grandblessings'!  I feel especially blessed to have been present at the all births of of our grand babies (except our sweet lil adopted Q)...even when we were living 1300 miles from our family.  God just seemed to orchestrate everything and Bitty Princess' birth was no exception.  The waiting room was full of Bitty Princess' "fan club members" as they anxiously awaited her arrival.  Romeo's parents, Pop, and Pretty Princess' sisters were all there.

I was so impressed with our youngest "kids" as they awaited the arrival of their first baby.  They were very well prepared.  They asked intelligent questions of the medical staff and had their birth plan firmly in mind.  Things rarely go as planned for childbirth and as things came up, they readily made adjustments and maintained a calm, controlled attitude...but it wasn't just about their was about who they are in life.  They did all they could do and then trusted God with everything else.

I think Pop and I have the most incredible sons (in-law) on the planet.  They love God, their wives and their children. To have witnessed them in action in labor and delivery is something I feel honored to have seen.  Romeo was incredibly tender and attentive to Pretty Princess.  He worked hard to do everything she needed.  He made sure she was covered and comfortable (as possible) when various tubes were moved, monitors adjusted, and procedures performed. He got her ice chips and whatever she asked for. He ran interference with staff and family. In general, he did everything in his power to be the protector and provider for his little family.  What an incredible blessing!

The labor and delivery was bathed in prayer and at one point, Pretty Princess was surrounded by waiting grandparents and family members praying for God to make the labor progress quickly.  Several times as Pretty Princess endured, Romeo prayed over her as he and I tried to do everything we could to help.  At one point when things seemed to be stalled, family members in the waiting room prayed for progress in the delivery as another waiting family sympathetically looked on.  One particularly sweet moment, as our Princess labored in pain, I watched with my heart nearly bursting as Pop tenderly laid his hand on her head and silently asked God to help her and Bitty Princess through the delivery.  The calm and peace that came with this quiet act seemed to fill the room.

It was a long, difficult labor that could have quickly led to a c-section but Pretty Princess powered through and Romeo supported her in every way.  Pretty Princess should probably be renamed "Warrior Princess"!  The end result is our beautiful, healthy "Bitty Princess" who is joyfully welcomed by the whole Four Sisters Farm Family.

That night Pop and I prepared for sleep after a long and hard day.  He wrapped his arms around me as relief washed over me.  I expressed that with each birth I have witnessed, I am reminded just how fragile life is and have to thank God for what He has done.  As Pop held me and tears of gratitude streamed down my face, he quietly lifted his voice to our Creator, "Praise God from Whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below.  Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.  Amen."

This grammy has so much to be thankful for. Thank You, God.

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