Friday, March 2, 2012

Welcoming the Newest Superhero

Rock Star, PhoJo and their family of superheroes just welcomed their newest family member...along with all the Four Sisters Farm family and their friends.

You can see the delight on their faces as they snuggle and hold him.  I would love to display photos of the faces of all the people who have already loved on this little guy in his first days on this earth but the post would be way too long.  You see, before he was even conceived we loved him because we know that children are a blessing.
Rock Star's labor was induced early in the morning.  The Four Sisters Farm family gathered at the hospital in anticipation.  The contractions increased in intensity as more and more pitocin was administered; but the little superhero was apparently not planning to make his entrance according to the plan.  As the day wore on, the strong contractions were putting our little guy into a bit of distress and the resident overseeing the labor was becoming concerned.  So...we "circled the wagons" and gathered around Rock Star to pray over her and ask for God's help.  As the doctor lowered the amount of pitocin and fretted about a possible c-section, God went to work on Rockstar's behalf and we soon welcomed the "li-lul-bay-bee" (that is how his big sister says "little baby").   By the way, Grammy has given big sister the nickname "Kissy Sissy" because she cannot get close to her new little brother without planting a kiss on his head!

Recently, Rock Star wrote a blog post about being asked why they are having more children and how many more they plan to have.  It seems that at some point folks began to believe that children are a burden instead of a blessing.  It seems crystal clear that God's view is the complete opposite.  Check out Psalm 127:3-5, Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from Him.  Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one's youth.  Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.

Only God knows what His plan is for the number of superheroes in Rock Star's and PhoJo's family...we will simply welcome each one as they come, knowing that God is never surprised or caught off guard when a baby is conceived.  For now, we will love on the ones here and join our voices with Pop who sang over Rock Star and baby soon after the birth, "Praise God from Whom all blessings flow." Amen, Pop.  Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! I am a crying mess over here. Love you my sweet nephew! Your Grammy is are a blessing from the Lord! :)
