Saturday, January 30, 2010

Where are they now? The Failure Edition

The Ducks?  They are dead.  Sorry, I can't sugar coat that one.  I don't know what happened to them but they didn't make it. 

The 4 Wheeler? It got ruined when the pull cord broke off.  Pop sold it.  Maybe there will be another one in our future.

The Cats? Well, we are down to one...The "Lone" Ranger.  Everyone else is missing.  Even Coal the mean cat.  He must have finally used up his 9 lives.  We think we still have some barn cats but they don't let us near them.

The Dogs?  They are still trucking along.  Even Daisy the dunder dog who I ran over and then nursed back to health.  She and Huckleberry are still happily living the farm life.  If only they could learn to control themselves when it comes to the trash.  I don't want to discuss with you how many times I have cleaned up poopy diapers from the front lawn.  Somehow those sneaky little buggers get into the trash even though the bags are in the carts.  I think they get a little help from Ranger.  Perhaps they share in the loot.  That is majorly disgusting when you consider that the "loot" is doo doo from baby diapers.  Seriously, find a new hobby.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE following your blog! I am the oldest of 4 sisters, and the first of them to "go farmin". Our baby sister has just followed suit! Keep up the fun, and sharing the love and blessings the Lord gives you - it's very encouraging and.....just good ole' fun to read!
