Sunday, January 31, 2010

No ugly mug here

Do you remember when DW got that fancy new coffee pot?  I have been obsessed with that thing since she got it.  It makes some seriously good and thick just like me.  (Snow White I hope you are reading this!)

I decided to put the Keurig on my Christmas list this year.  Guess who must have been a good girl?  Santa aka my in-laws blessed my coffee-drinkin' heart with this gift.  I was beyond excited when I saw that X-large box sitting under the tree with my name on it.  I just knew it had to be my very own Keurig.

You all know that I have a favorite coffee cup.  I call her C.C.  I feel like the combination of the Keurig and C.C. is almost more than my little heart can bear.  I love waking up in the morning to a fantastic cup of coffee brewed especially for me.  It's the simple things in life. 

In the words of Grammy, "Life is too short to drink coffee out of an ugly mug."


  1. I heart this obsession! And I'm SO glad that C.C. can be a part of it. haha! :)

  2. This post makes me smile. ;-) It is the little things that make this life good.

  3. Yea!! I love Keurig's!!! We got one for Christmas too..they are amazing!! :)And I'm with ya on the coffee cup love..If I don't love my coffee gets passed on to the kids..hehe :)
