Saturday, May 14, 2011

I am going to miss this.

It is starting to feel real.

The boxes are stacking up.

The moments of this season in our lives are flying by all too fast now.

It has been nearly three years of living at the Four Sisters Farm and nearly two years of living here with Pop and Grammy.

My head knows that I am only moving fifteen minutes away.

My head knows that I am the one who initiated this move.

My head knows that we need to have more room to welcome the children who are coming.

My head knows that this is a good thing.

But my heart just doesn't get it.

My heart, that stinkin' heart.  It loves so big and it feels way too much.

I am going to miss this.

I will miss cooking for everyone.

I will miss coffee chats with Mom.

I will miss watching my boys scurry to the back door to greet Pop and Grammy.

I will miss stolen moments with my Dad when it was just us even in a house with this many people.

I will miss Buzz Lightyear pancake mornings.

I will miss walking to the pond when I need a little time to myself.

I will miss the front porch.

I will miss being in the middle of all the action.

I will miss lingering after dinner with EJ, Pop and Grammy while we solve the world's problems or maybe just laugh our heads off about something that happened that day.

I have to remind myself that Pop and Grammy will still be here. 

The farm will still be here.

I can come out anytime I need to.

I can drop off my boys so they can soak up special time with Pop and Grammy.

I am not losing them.

It is time for the next chapter and I know good things await for all of us.

That doesn't mean there won't be tears.  Change is hard but God is good.

Pop, Grammy, and EJ,
I love you each so much.  Thank you for this adventure.  I am proud to have been a part of it.
Love always,
Farm Chick


  1. love this post. love you, my friend! i know it's sad to leave one chapter, but so exciting to start a new one. God has great things in store for you.

  2. Amy Mac said it right..."God has great things in store for you." I made up my mind when the Four Sisters were small to enjoy every age and every stage and to see God's grace and goodness as we continue walking the path He is directing. I am SO excited for you and EJ and the boys and excited to see who else will come to live in your "big, big house with lots and lots of room." I have to say that God has given me a bigger excitement and a peace about the move than my (sniff) sadness at the thought of not hearing all the busy life upstairs from us. I love you BIG, Farm Chick! Forever, Grammy.
