Monday, October 29, 2012

2012 Four Sisters Farm Family Fall Party

Pumpkin Decorating is a must at our Family Fall Party...note the "Picaso Kitty" pumpkin face by SuperGirl!
Superman summed up this year's fall party like this, "Pop, I'm having so much fun it almost drives me crazy!"

Iron Man on Duty
I think I know what he means!  The grandkids went full speed all day - not only with our planned activities like the costume parade, hay rack ride, food, and games - but with just sheer, all-out running and playing with their cousins.  They loved the new climbing wall Pop had just installed at the tree house and challenged each other to new feats of strength.  The tree house was well protected with Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, and a Secret Spy.

The Climbing Wall at the Treehouse
The Fishing Game
The weather was a little chilly but didn't freeze out any of our plans.

We were missing a large part of our usual party participants this year!

PhoJo and his folks (who usually come party with us) were gone to a memorial service many miles away - They made a decision for Rock Star and the superheroes to stay home instead of logging all the miles.

Romeo's parents had a 60th wedding anniversary celebration to attend and adopted grandkids from church so their weekend was already packed as well.  I'm guessing they will have a little Bitty Princess costume parade of their own! :-)

We missed the Unconventionals in a HUGE way now that they are residing in Indiana!  We also missed Doc's parents who usually come to the fall party.

Pop and Grammy with 9 of the 13 GRANDkids
We partied on with our much smaller troupe and did have a great time.  Pop surprised us all and dressed up as Cousin Eddie from Christmas Vacation and Grammy donned a crown (an extra from Cinderella) to become the Camo Queen.

The pictures tell the story of good food and fun.  Enjoy!
Farm Chick, Rock Star, and Pretty Princess hamming it up

The Superheroes helping make pies

Super Girl and Q sharing a moment

Bitty Princess and her daddy, Romeo riding the horse swing

EJ (aka Angry Bird) flying

Q enjoying a cake pop made by Aunt Pretty Princess

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