Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Blessings of Choosing Obedience (I'm Not an Expert)

I was reading in John 9 about a man who had been blind since birth. Some thought he had been born blind due to his sin or the sin of his parents.

Jesus said that neither had sinned...that the man was born blind so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.  Wow!

What struck me as I read this passage is that after Jesus put mud on this man's eyes He told him to go wash...which means that the man had a choice. He could have continued on His way, ignoring Jesus' words; but instead, he obeyed and was healed.

There is much more to the story and to how this chapter of Scripture could apply to our lives; but it makes me wonder how many of us are choosing to wander around blind...needing Jesus' healing touch...but too stubborn or proud to just "go wash" or do whatever it is that Jesus is telling us to do.

I hope you will take the time to read and ponder this chapter (

I would also love to hear what you think and/or how this story relates to something in your life.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Grammy, your insight here is deep. Choices, choices, choices. God is so very wise in inviting us to participate in the redeeming, healing He offers if we will but make the choice. Everyday, making choices. Thank you for sharing.
