It is Christmas inside and outside at Four Sisters Farm. I LOVE the season and I LOVE the reason for the season!
Last Christmas season I had an idea for a faux fireplace with a mantle to hang our stockings from...I even went so far as to frame out a center and purchase some wood but then ran out of time. I got back to it this year and Pop helped is what we came up with. It comes apart so we can store it easily for next year.
It looks even better with all the stockings hung! There are names embroidered on them but since we don't use real names on the blog, I know you understand.
As I decorate, I think about what fun we will have when we are gathered together...cousins playing...snuggling babies...yummy food and treats...stories shared...grown-up conversations shared by our kids after the children are settled into bed...the love and grace that we share for and with each other holds it all together in a small space with a lot of noise. It's good stuff. We will share some pictures from our time together in a few days so stay tuned!
Before decorating |
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care (even if it is pretend). |
An old nativity scene that my Mom no longer needed and passed along to me is front and center with a gift tag that says, "To: Mankind Love, God". |
Salt dough "cookies" made by our Superheroes are festive on a red plate; and a clever cardboard "tree" by Bubba makes a rustic statement all its own. |
A book about Jesus' birth recorded by my Dad and Mom is handy to pull down and "read" to the kids. |