Early in 2015, Farm Chick phoned Pop and asked him if she and seven of her "closest friends" could move back to Four Sisters Farm for a while. With Pop and I it was a no-brainer. We had lived with The Growing Table family before out at Four Sisters Farm and we knew we could do it again.
The plan was for Farm Chick and EJ to list their "city" home and build their barnhouse on EJ's family land while living at Four Sisters Farm. They estimated it would be from the end of April to mid July but we weren't holding them to it...construction projects never go quite as intended, right?
What was different this time was that when we lived together before, EJ and Farm Chick only had two...then three children. Farm Chick and I enjoyed our time together before with a ready coffee drinking female close by and a Grammy and Pop always happy to see some grandkids so we proceeded.
Pop and I moved back to the basement apartment where we lived before. We tried to make room for a family of 8 on the main floor which is three bedrooms and two bathrooms. It was good timing with the spring, then summer weather so the kids could get out and run...and run they did! The backyard at the city house was spacious but not as spacious as Four Sisters Farm!
Farm Chick stayed REALLY busy with running her household with much less help from EJ and making decisions about the house.
God truly blessed our time together and blessed EJ and Farm Chick as they built their barnhouse. There is really no explanation for the build going as well as it did except for being in God's favor...and Dennis the handyman which would be a whole other story which would like likely be called, "Two Story Stories"!
Head on over to The Growing Table if you want to know more about their fabulous new living space.
Now...to the other Four Sisters...who wants to see if they can go home again? Pop and I love you all!
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