

Friday, March 11, 2011

Do You Get Me?

Lately, I've had a series of events (or should I say, missed events) that have made me stop and think. There are people in my life I love. A lot. I would die for them if the opportunity presented itself. I certainly hope you know who you are...if not, I'm failing even more miserably than I suspect.

We have lived in quite a few different places and made friends in each location, have a fairly large family (that continues to grow, of course) as well as large extended families on Pop's side and mine, and have precious friends from early on in our lives with whom we still try to stay in some form of contact.

Facebook is a wonderful tool and my "friend list" keeps growing but I've noticed that the larger it grows, the less intimate the contact becomes. I'll keep at it because just hearing what folks are doing and seeing pictures of them and their families is important to me. Besides family, I have elementary through high school chums I see there, friends from churches we've attended in various places, cousins I haven't seen in years, and the list goes on. It's all good stuff.

But...I have a hard time focusing on one thing at a time. I've let birthdays, anniversaries, and expressions of sympathy go unattended; meaning I haven't sent cards or letters or made arrangements for memorials or flowers to be sent. Then there are what I call the "Hallmark-Generated Holidays" like Valentines Day, etc. It's overwhelming! I feel like a "deadbeat" mom, wife, friend, daughter, sister, niece, and cousin.

I remember feeling this same angst some years ago as I tried so very hard to pray for everyone I know. I also remember the sweet relief that came when I realized I can rely on the Holy Spirit to bring to my mind the people God wants me to pray for - when He wants me to pray for them. Then, I learned I could focus intently on one person (or couple/family) at a time.

I just finished reading "The Forgotten God" by Francis Chan about our relationship with God through the Holy Spirit residing in His children. I guess that is why this is so fresh on my mind that I felt compelled to share how I'm feeling today.

While I'm not giving up recognizing life events of those I love, I need to actively release the people I love from the trappings of expressions that we feel compelled to be bound by...and I seek to be released as well. My heart's desire is to be Spirit-filled and Spirit-led. How about you? Do you get me?

2 Corinthians 13:14 "May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all."

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